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What To Do After High School Graduation: 4 Steps

Admissions Made Simple

Southwest Schools has made admissions simple with straightforward requirements and helpful staff on stand-by to answer all your questions. If you have graduated high school or will be graduating soon, G.E.D. included, you are already on your way to meeting our admissions requirements.

Consider Career School

If you’re interested in being trained for a specific career, then you should consider a career school like Southwest Schools. Our programs vary in length and times they are offered, as well as hours required for completion, but the fact that you will be trained faster is consistent.

Hands-On Programs

Four-year programs often require courses that are not necessary for the career you are interested in. At Southwest Schools you will receive hands-on experience with a focus on what you really need to learn. Whether you’re interested in a career as a Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Office Specialist, or a Computerized Accounting Specialist we can guide you to the program that matches your career goals.

Eliminate Stress

Eliminate the stress of figuring out your plan after high school and enroll at Southwest Schools. Do you want to learn more? Call us today or click the link for someone to contact you:

San Antonio: (210) 921-0951